Open Stage Control v1.0.0-alpha

Did you try fiddling with the server’s remote-root option ?

Is there a way to fix this button behaviour? Thanks.

v0.49 - push buttons illuminate according to the input from the DAW

alpha6: buttons illuminate but go dark when released

v1.0.0 alpha6 - tap buttons

Is there a way to fix this button behaviour? Thanks.

Actually this behavior had felt somewhat inconsistent for a long time and I deliberately removed it. What you did in your v1 example seems fine and could be done with a single widget using osc receivers, as shown in this example (tap-feedback.json (1.7 KB): send /button_1/feedback 0/1 to control the feedback state).

Hi there!

how to build this alpha for macOS and iOS?

npm run build-server-js throws errors.

ok, figured it out. Seeing how far it goes now. :smiley:

ok, figured it out

Ok great. Just in case here is the related guide: Running from sources - Open Stage Control

Seems like the fullscreen option doesn’t have an effect on iOS here. Is that a known thing?

You mean the server’s fullscreen option ? It doesn’t affect remote clients. As for the client’s fullscreen button , It’s supposed to spawn a help window if fullscreen is not supported (iOS doesn’t support it properly, for instance).

in latest built v1.0.0-alpha7
OSC messages are not sent to destination

nothing arrives on port 8000

in alpha 5 and alpha 6, it used to work fine.
stoped working in alpha 7

step to reproduce :
simply create a fader in a new session with default settings and check if something arrives in destination software

Thanks, the widgets’ ignoreDefaults property was working in reverse…

ok, good to know. I now opened the client on my iPad in Safari and choose the option, “add to homescreen”. This creates an app like icon of the page, which opens in fullscreen.

Alpha 8 is on its way…

Thank you Jean-emmanuel, I got your button reacting, but only when I removed the address on it. The address on my buttons are simply /play and /stop. How would I configure a button to have the old behaviour in these cases?

You can set the osc listeners’ addresses to /play, the leading slash indicates that the host widget’s address should not be used (I didn’t think of that solution at first).

Got it :slight_smile:


I downloaded the latest alpha, first thanks for this cool soft !

I question : i run from source with npm start, it seems that parameters are not displayed on the server display :

is it normal ?

Thanks for the report, it is fixed in alpha 10.

Important changes in alpha 10:

  • labels have been removed from all widgets except buttons, modals and tabs. This change allowed some optimization and seems to align with common usages. Text widgets can be used to replace labels.
  • panels now have a innerPadding option, for nesting multiple panels without loosing space.
  • all widgets now have a colorBg option and have an opaque background by default.
  • light themed context menu.

Alpha 11: firefox (75+) is now officially supported.

Alpha 12-16:

  • various ui tweaks and optimizations
  • some bugs fixed
  • built-in documentation (--docs option and Documentation action in launcher’s menu)
  • modal now properly break out from regular panels
  • added client option desyncCanvas
  • /EDIT now supports an extra option parameter
  • visualizer: added freeze property
  • server: 2 new options: --authentication (restrict client access with a user:password) and --use-ssl (use https protocol instead of http)

Hi there, when clicking on the help of “type” under “widget” an Error Messages is thrown (ERROR, CLIENT" … ). WIN 10, Version 1, Alpha 16