The OSC server fails to start: load & custom module fields are set to open files that are located on an external usb HDD drive

If I copy the files that are set in the LOAD and CUSTOM-MODULE to my SSD (internal), then the server starts. If not, the console shows the text I've pasted below the screenshots and the server fails to start. Also, my RICKY (external) usb drive is formated for MAC (maybe this is why it doesn't work?)

This is what is being shown in the console:

open-stage-control [options]

-s, --send default targets for all widgets (ip: port / domain: port
/ midi: port_name pairs) [array]
-l, --load session file to load [string]
--state state file to load [string]
-c, --custom-module custom module file to load (custom options can be passed
after the filename) [array]
-p, --port http port of the server (default to 8080) [number]
-o, --osc-port osc input port (default to --port) [number]
--tcp-port tcp server input port [number]
--tcp-targets tcp servers to connect to (ip: port pairs), does not
susbtitute for --send [array]
-m, --midi midi router settings [array]
-d, --debug log received osc messages in the console [boolean]
-n, --no-gui disable default gui [boolean]
--fullscreen launch in fullscreen mode (only affects the default
client gui) [boolean]
-t, --theme theme name or path (multiple values allowed) [array]
--client-options client options (opt=value pairs) [array]
--disable-vsync disable gui's vertical synchronization [boolean]
--force-gpu ignore chrome's gpu blacklist [boolean]
--read-only disable session editing and session history changes
--remote-saving disable remote session saving for hosts that don't match
the regular expression [string]
--remote-root set remote file browsing root folder [string]
--authentication restrict access to "user:password" (remote clients will
be prompted for these credentials) [string]
--instance-name used to differenciate multiple instances in a zeroconf
network [string]
--use-ssl set to true to use HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP (a
self-signed certificate will be created) [boolean]
--disable-gpu disable hardware acceleration [boolean]
--inspect enable node/electron inspector [boolean]
--cache-dir override default cache directory [string]
--config-file override default config file (defaults to
cache-dir/config.json) [string]
--docs serve documentation website locally and open it with the
system's default browser [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-c: Custom module file not found:
(INFO) Server stopped\

If you clear the custom module field, does the session load ?

Yes. The session loads. It seems that the custom module has problems…

Ok thanks, I’ll try to fix it asap. EDIT: could you paste the custom module’s full path here ?

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I've tested the custom module from an ExFAT drive (4gb card), and it works. It seems that the file system is problematic.

Ricky volume (external drive) has been formated this way:

Hope this also helps.
Thank you.

EDIT: This is the full path of the custom module:

/Volumes/Ricky/CUBASE/03 - Mahler/OSC remote-root/CustomModule1.js

And this is the custom module:
CustomModule.js (5.6 KB)

Hi, I found the bug and will fix it in next release, meanwhile adding quotes (") around the custom module’s path should work.

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It works indeed (i.e with quotes). Thank you.