Textbox/Knob don't show up in iOS 10.3.3

Hi, on an old iPad (iOS 10.3.3) I'm missing text box or knob depending on the setting "geometry/expand" true/false:

If textbox "expand" = false, they don't show up at all, the knob only shows up if "expand" = true.

On a iPad Pro (iOS 16.7.10) it show's up as i would expect:

This is with OSC 1.27.0 and I see the same behavior in Chrome on iOS 10.3.3.

Here's the OSC template: LiveCtrl - work.json (78.3 KB)

Anything I can improve to make it work on both iPad's / iOS versions ?
Kind regards, mj

Unfortunately old iOS is known for having several issues with this type of layout, in the past I managed to workaround some of them but I can't test/debug iOS 10.3 anymore so I don't think I'll be able to fix this one. If using iOS 10.3 is mandatory you could avoid the problem by laying out the texts and the knob using absolute coordinates with the container in "default" layout mode (I wouldn't recommend it over vertical/horizontal layouts otherwise).

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