iPad menu glitch I can't figure out

Hey hey! I am running into something weird that I cannot figure out.

A menu will appear fine on my computer but when using on my ipad it gets cut off by the Panel. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

Also uploading screenshots of menu inspector.

Please upload your session file, I'll try to find the cause of the issue. What's your ipad version exactly ?

Thank you so much. Here it is, one as it is and one with labels on as I used all my icons on my computer.

iPad 12.9-inch (3rd Gen 2018), 1 TB

Ableton Template v3 with labels on.json (1.2 MB)
Ableton Template v3.json (1.2 MB)

This is a screenshot of what its supposed to look like but you'll not get any of the icons. Let me know if you need the icons too!

You can avoid the issue by slightly reducing the height of the top container. It's a weird ipad bug, not the first one but I don't think I'll be able to fix it in the code.

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Thank you! didn't even have to reduce the height that much and it solved it!

Hi! I'm having the same issue again with the other menus (not the original problem menu bizzarely). I have the solution though which is to delete two of the sliders in the middle of my interface. Only thing is, I don't want to do that. Do you have any perspective on this?

With two sliders deleted...

Here is the project again
Ableton Template v10 test.json (3.4 MB)