I've tried running my usual settings in the terminal (to start at PC launch). The usual settings do not work.
C:\Program Files\Open Stage Control>open-stage-control --no-gui --force-gpu -l "PATH" -c "PATH" -m ('cubase:0,1' 'cubase_art:1,2' 'mtc:2,3' 'protools:3,4' 'vep:4,5')
Here is the error I get (those ports works great within the app)
(ERROR, MIDI) can't connect "('cubase" to output port "1'" (port not in list)
(ERROR, MIDI) can't connect "'vep" to output port "5')" (port not in list)
Here is the list:
(INFO, MIDI) Inputs
-1: Void (bypass)
0: cubase 0
1: cubase_art 1
2: mtc 2
3: protools 3
4: synth_1 4
5: synth_2 5
6: synth_3 6
7: synth_4 7
8: vep 8
(INFO, MIDI) Outputs
-1: Void (bypass)
0: Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth 0
1: cubase 1
2: cubase_art 2
3: mtc 3
4: protools 4
5: synth_1 5
6: synth_2 6
7: synth_3 7
8: synth_4 8
9: vep 9
If I add the mtc sysex in the mtc port option:
-m: Invalid option: sysex'
-m: Invalid option: mtc'
Did I miss something? Any way to have Open Stage Control starting in the system tray?