Solved: How to connect external devices? (smartphones, tablets etc.)

Hi guys

I just tried my first steps in OSC 1.7 and it seems very promising! - My first tests did all work in combination with cubase. The only thing I cannot figure out is a remote control via tablet - even if I put the related ip address it doesn’t find anything. Whereas if I open the ip on my computer it shows the OSC Interface.

My tablet (Android) is within the same network as the computer and I’m using Chrome.

Do you maybe know what could be the issue here?

Thank you for your help :slight_smile:

When the server starts you should get a message that looks like this:

(INFO) Server started, app available at

Make sure to use the second address on your tablet, the first one is the localhost address and will only work on the computer that’s running the server.

Thanks jean-emmanuel,

I’ve tried the other ip address as well but there is always an error message within chrome “cannot reach webiste” “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”

edit: This is what I get on my computer
(INFO) Server started, app available at

Both ip addresses work on my computer that’s running the server but none of them on my tablet.

Did I probably do something wrong within the settings?

Make sure the “http://” part of the url is correct, the browser may have written “https://” there (which only works if the use-ssl option is enabled).

this is correct as well - seems something is blocking it somehow :grimacing:

Any firewall software or network setting that could block access to the computer from your local network?

Unfortunately not…

Edit: I’ve now reset my network, went along some guides from people with the same error message but the ip address is always refused.

Does the tablet have to be within the same network? - I just assume that if the tablet is connected via wi-fi with the same network as the computer is - it should be within the same.

ah and the error message only occurs if I try to connect to the localhost - this is clear now :see_no_evil:

but the right ip address is loading endless on my external devices

SOLVED: Sorry guys for this - I didn’t realize that I had a second wlan router inbetween thats why I got a different ip address. It’s all good now and working fine! Thanks

Glad to hear that :slight_smile: