Sharing template for "vimix" (Live Video Mixing) incl. tutorials

Hi community!

To at least give something back to this great project I created a template for the live video mixing software vimix. Open Stage control and vimix go very well together and both fit perfectly to my needs of combining all sorts of controllers, sounds and visuals.

I am far from being a software developer so every hint for improvement is highly appreciated.

The template is WIP but does its job pretty well for the moment so I thought it would be time to share.
There is also a tutorial series in which vimix and Open Stage Control grow together. From part 8 onwards the focus is on Open Stage Control, part 11 (5 bits) shows the usage of the template.

I hope someone can make use of it.

Have a nice day!

the template

youtube playlist

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Don't know VIMIX (what is the official website ? Different than vmix ?) but just to say thank you to share these videos and the template :+1:

Hi @Greenman !

Thanks for your interest!
Vimix and vMix have not much in common. As I can read on the official vMix site it's a streaming software where vimix is for live video mixing (shows, venues, exhibitions, visuals etc.) although you can even setup an srt stream and go live on network or internet with it.

A few years ago - when swapping from Windows to Linux - I was looking for a somewhat adequate replacement for Resolume which I used heavily and I found this awesome project vimix. Different in any case but even more useful for my needs and Open Source. The OSC implementation makes it incredible useful for me.

The creator Bruno Herbelin calls it "successor from GLMixer" what had been and still is a video mixing solution on Linux for years. Vimix just takes things way further imo.

Vimix has an official site but better info about the project comes from the github page where the creator is very helpful and fast in helping with solutions.
Definitely worth a look if you're on Linux (Ubuntu Studio in my case) or Mac.

Have a look here
Official vimix site
or here

Have a nice day!

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