I can't find in settings unless I'm overlooking where it is, but is it possible when exporting fragments, or exporting/saving in general on the client side, to change the default folder location?
So right now it seems to default to my windows user folder, and I'd like to just change the default so I don't have to traverse through the folder tree everytime.
The improvement in the new version is very practical, but there is a situation we need to consider.
If the folder we used last time has been renamed, moved or deleted, then when we try to save or open a session, the program will have an error and cannot choose a new directory.
I modify the "last-dir" attribute in the %APPDATA%\open-stage-control\Config\config.json file to escape this error.
If possible, o-s-c should judge whether the last directory exists, if so, enter it, if not, enter %HOMEPATH%.