I’m a total noob in coding but found many good explanations on the forum and in documentation so I succeeded to install properly Open Stage Control on a Raspberry Pi, set MIDI ins and outs to send CC messages and notes to different programs also running on the R-pi…
Everything’s working pretty well !
I am still wondering if there is a a way to link temporarily OSC knobs and buttons to physical encoders or LEDs accessing the Raspberry Pi GPIO.
Should I make a general script for my encoders to send MIDI signals to OSC or is it possible to make the script inside Open Stage Control ?
The aim is to build a flexible sequencer - MIDI controller and get OSC to provide a GUI, each tab linking encoders to a specific function…
(Pierre Emmanuel, je lis les différents topics régulièrement, parfois pour chercher des infos, parfois juste par curiosité et pour apprendre des “trucs”, et je tenais à te dire que je suis admiratif du taff que tu fais… Et un gigantesque merci pour la commodité de ton application, c’est vraiment génial. Merci merci merci)