Good afternoon, first of all thank this powerful tool that gives us many options for the show, and congratulate the creator and this community.
I am working on a device similar to the wiii remote, it is a sensor that gives YPR data separately and we have managed to make it respond with the Open Stage Control configuration, and we can read through port 9000 everything the device does, which is the sensor .
We need to do something in Open Stage Control, so that apart from reading OSC messages and graphing it in the KNOBs and faders, at the same time translate that message and emit MIDI to the different devices we have. And we are not getting it.
Basically I have not been able to use Open Stage Control, as a MIDI transmitter, or at least it is not recognized by CUBASE 9.5 DAW, nor QLAB 4, as MIDI messages, and it is correctly configured according to the explanations of the manual that is in this OSC page.
Please help. You can do that of translating … I have installed PHYTON 3 but I am not a programmer and I don’t know what to do because the type / control messages 1 1 60
That should be a command in OSC so that through my mac, with “my osc device: virtual” I could directly recognize the midi notes in the DAW and I can’t.
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience