Moved open stage control to new computer, midi messages are now being sent in multiples of 10+ or not at all

We have an Open Stage Control setup that is working flawlessly. We were duplicating the setup at another location. Everything is identical as it was before, the same MIDI interface, open stage control being run on a PC of the same specs, Cubase being run on a Mac (not the same specs). The only difference on the Open Stage Control end is that the chrome browser showing the remote is on a Mac now instead of a PC.

Most of the time no errors appear on the launch window. For some ports, the same message gets sent 10+ times in a row. For others, no messages are being sent at all. Occasionally we get errors on the launch window, but they are about things over line 1000 of code on variables I've never seen, so it is not errors from our custom module or our layout itself.

The Open Stage control project was literally copied and pasted. Open Stage Control itself is on version 1.25.1 and was also copied and pasted.

Any ideas what may have happened or others who have had this experience?

Could there be a tiny difference in the MIDI config (I assume something like loopMidi or RtpMidi is involved) ? From what I could see it can generate feedback loops when improperly configured.

We're using an iConnect4 box, and straight up replacing two of the ports we're using with rtpMIDI seemed to solve it. I guess it was some busted ports on the box? Here's the error code I was referring to in case it's helpful:

(ERROR, MIDI) Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 300, in
  File "", line 285, in send_midi
  File "src\_rtmidi.pyx", line 1110, in rtmidi._rtmidi.MidiOut.send_message
  File "src\_rtmidi.pyx", line 220, in rtmidi._rtmidi._cb_error_func
  File "src\_rtmidi.pyx", line 408, in rtmidi._rtmidi._default_error_handler
rtmidi._rtmidi.SystemError: MidiOutWinMM::sendMessage: error sending MIDI message.