From Cubase to Open Stage Control : did i forget something?

I don't manage to receive anything from Cubase...
Midi ports in Generic Remote are ok : OSCtoCubase as midi input, CubaseToOSC as midi output.
Bome Midi Translator receives from Cubase.

Seems to be ok too in OSC "midi"...

Mackie mode is ok... from time to time... from OSC to Cubase, but won't send anything to OSC...

maybe i forgot something here ?

Can you enable the debug option to check what OSC receives exactly ? Try with and without your custom module, as it may be filtering incoming messages erroneously.

Ok, with custom module, i clicked Read button on a track in Cubase, and got this :


So, it receives good infos everywhere... too many infos, maybe... In OSC, i have two buttons Read, one that sends midi CC 11 on channel 11, and another one sending midi notes 74 to MackieC.

So OSC does receive, maybe i forgot something in the buttons inspector ?...

However... nothing when i move faders in the Mix Console in Cubase... excepted for the selected track, who sends midi CC. But nothing with unselected tracks, nothing on Mackie remote.

Whitout custom module : woooosh... Read button On gives this :

CC from fader on selected track, but no mackie...

Oh, btw, Read, write, solo and mute buttons are set On in OSC, now, without the custom module ! Those configured with midi CC. Here is a clue...

Question : now, i begin to understand... it works well with a dedicated fader for volume, a knob for pan, for the "selected track".


But I had first set a unique fader, with a dropdown giving access to volume, pan, sends. Is it possible to make this one receive midi info ? When i select "pan", it gets the good value ? Because actually it doesn't react.

Here is the script i use, where "Selecteur" is the dropdown widget (i promise, i'll change the @{} and use get() :wink: ) :

No it won't work this way, to change what the widget receives you have to modify its preArgs property. See General mechanics - Open Stage Control.

Oh, btw, Read, write, solo and mute buttons are set On in OSC, now, without the custom module ! Those configured with midi CC. Here is a clue...

As suspected, your custom module prevents the incoming messages from reaching the widgets, most likely because of an empty return statement in the oscInFilter function. Here is a relevant bit from the example here:

// return data if you want the message to be processed
return {address, args, host, port}

This is the custom module (it's the one which gives bars & beats, found somewhere here) :

module.exports = {

    oscInFilter: function(data) {

        if ( === 'midi' && data.port === 'Mackie_Time') {
            var [channel, control, value] =>x.value)
            if (control > 63 && control < 74) {
                var digit = 73 - control,
                    msb = value >> 4,
                    val = value & 0xF
                if (msb >> 2) val += '.'
                if (!(msb & (1 << 1))) val = ''

                // digit -> digit
                // val -> digit's value 
                // assuming 10 text widgets with incrementing preArgs 
                receive('/timecode', digit, val)


So, what do i do with the return statement ? do i have to fill it with Mackie_Time as port, midi as host, value as args and control as address ?

Thank you