Different fader ranges

Hi All, I am new here.
I am receiving Osc level 0-1 from a Resolume Arera master on a fader linked as master controlling another fader sending Osc 8-bit 0-255 to MA3. How do I match the fader levels?
Or maybe there is a much better way to translate incomming/outgoing commands and level ranges?


not sure if i understand correctly, if you have to 2 faders you want to match you could set the range accordingly to the respective decimals and make the same amount of steps on both. If you want to set it on the fly, you could use OSC{…} in the widget and send it via receive in a custom module.

You could set both faders’ ranges to 0-1, and use the second fader’s script property to send the scaled value:

send('', '/address', value * 255)