Can you help me figure out this triggering puzzle?

I have 4 'randomise' buttons that send some stuff to Bitwig.
I added a 'master' randomiser that would trigger all the other buttons. It worked fine for a week and now .. .it doesn't! And I've no idea what's up.

I can see it trigger the buttons, but it seems like they only receive the value '0', not the '1023' they need to trigger their script.

Randomiser button script:

// Setup variables
var ParentId = getProp('parent', 'id')
var n = getProp('parent', 'variables').n
var rand; var r1; var Euclid
rand = Math.ceil(Math.random()*4)

console.log("random " + n + " " + value)

if (value == 1023) {
 (does stuff)
else {
  console.log("else " + n + " " + value)

^ This logs:
random 1 0
else 1 0

When I trigger it with the master script:

if (value === 1023) {

// Randomise all
 for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
  set("GrooveCtrl" + i + "Rand", 1023)

  // Wait a minute! (using this to give Bitwig a moment to do stuff before the 'zero' message is sent)
    for (var i = 1; i < 5; i++) {  
      set("GrooveCtrl" + i + "Rand", 0)
  // End wait  
   }, 100);


Am I miss something dumb?! Thanks!

Are the buttons' on and off properties set to 1023 and 0? They won't react to values that don't match these.

Yep! ... it's very odd. I'm sure it was working a few days ago - maybe before I installed the latest 1.18.2 ...

Here's a video: Dropbox - - Simplify your life

Also a cut down version of the file:
randomiser.json (60.3 KB)

Ok it's a regression on the push mode, I'll fix it.

Fixed in v1.18.3

Agh amazing! Thanks so much man I thought I was going mad :smile: