Bidirectional Fader

The reason for creating the Custom Module is to achieve Tab Switching, when OSC receives a specific midi message from Cubase.

OSC receives the cc127 from Cubase, the custom module ignores this and sends back cc126 to Cubase.

When Cubase receives this cc126 on a selected track, I have placed a Midi Transformer insert that transforms the incoming cc126 from OSC to selected values (cc117-125, with values set to 0-127) and then sends these specific values back to OSC.

I can see the correct incoming midi CC reaching OSC when I debug.

My question now is how do I achieve the Tab Switching from the incoming midi CC information?
For example:
if receive args:[1,117,1] then select Tab_01
if receive args:[1,117,2] then select Tab_02