Basic question about Android use


So, do I understand it the right way: to use O-S-C on an Android phone, the server should run on another device (a regular computer for instance) and on the Android device one should use a browser to connect to the server?

Yes that's pretty much it (Introduction - Open Stage Control).

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with the help of termux, I was able to run a headless open stahe control on the android device itself.

see here: building and running on android · Issue #405 · jean-emmanuel/open-stage-control · GitHub

I don't know if this is still working with latest o-s-c versions, it might need some changes

You can also try to use a precompiled package following instructions here:

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Hi might be a bit offtopic here, but will this work to install the server on the ipad too?(ios 10.3 acorrding to the docs). What is further needed is a midi interface, has anyone experience with this? (not for myself actual)


According to be able to run it on android, would be really interesting too! (sooner or later i will investigate into this) Thanks for sharing!

Just to be clear, running the server on android may work to some extent (midi won't) but it's definitely not supported.