Looking for a way to create OSC controls in a web browser

I’m thinking about doing a project using a Raspberry Pi to host a captive wifi portal that would serve up an html page with the UI to control an instrument using OSC. The idea is that any passerby can open their phone, connect to the wifi hotspot and collaborate in the music being generated. I can’t find any examples of how to do the controls UI thing to then talk to some sort of OSC bridge, and I’m wondering if something could be exported from Open Stage Control?

Open Stage Control may answer your needs as it is a web server that can serve a UI and and send/receive osc messages. Either install the armv7l deb package or follow the Running with Node guide for lower memory/cpu usage, then start the server in headless mode (--no-gui command line option). You’ll be able to connect as a client with any device on the same network that can run firefox/chromium (see requirements), then… the world is yours, with the help of the docs :slight_smile:

Very cool! Thanks! I will give this a whirl.