Widget not updating with osc message when visiblity set to false?

Hi there,

Sorry for the potentially silly question, but I cannot get an osc message to be received on a matrix fader if its visible property is set to false. Is this expected behaviour, and if so, is there any workaround so that a widget can still receive an osc message when invisible?

(I have a workaround where I can just set the height to 0%, effectively 'hiding' the widget, and it can still update with incoming osc messages until I need it again, but thought that the visibility setting would be the more 'correct' way of doing it!)

Thanks very much for any advice provided!

It's a bug, the value is updated internally but the fader's is not drawn properly, to be fixed.

It's fixed in v1.9.13

Thanks very much for looking into that, downloading new version now!