Triggering a script from a multixy module upon touching?


I have two copies of an multixy widget, a small one and a big one. The small one is permanently displayed. With the help of the z-layer, the big one, inserted in a panel, is hidden behind and brought to top as soon as a point is moved in the small one. This way the precision to move the points is better. After having moved the points a button allows one to put the big multixy behind again.

All of this functions with the help of a script widget holding a variable.

The operation to bring the big multixy to the front is triggered by the small multixy's script. However this script is activated only when a point is moved. Is there a way to trigger it as soon as the small multixy is touched, without having to move a point?

Hi, not sure if i can help...

I use touch in a scripting property to send only values out when "untouching" the knob (to avoid sending a lot of values in between the slidings states).
In your case as soon as you touch it you can do your action here ?

if (touch !== undefined){
if (touch === 1) {

I am not sure if i understand the use case here, maybe it is easier to zoom out your control when touching by using css (this works with a knob, not sure if it is working with multyxy)

:host:active {
transform: scale(2)

I have never thought about zooming. Anyway currently I have solved the issue by installing a button besides the small mulltixy. Thank you @abstrus .
