Hi there,
I have just built my first foray into O-S-C, and I am impressed by the unassuming yet flexible engine... big congrats to those building it!
I used it in a situation where I had to projection map a wall of very irregular shaped protrusions, and wanted to be able to intuitively have buttons that have the same shape as the protrusions IRL; I was able to use clipPaths to create custom shapes of the buttons, and arrange the outlining rectangles in a way that would have been otherwise overlapping - GREAT, step one, then I used QLab so send me (via a detour over NDI Input to VDONinja and WebRTC) the warped webcam picture into a frame to fit under the 25% opacity shapes - brilliant, I can see when the acrobats are touching/close to shapes to activate in my mapping...
My only small gripe is not being able to push (and hold) more than one button at a time on my touch screen (espresso, also running espresso flow which is allowing multi-touch/gestures)...
Am I overlooking something, or could this evolve into a feature request ;)?
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Thank you ! Looks like a nice - and somewhat unanticipated indeed - use case you have here :).
Open stage control already supports multitouch actually and it's supposed to work out of the box, are you using the built-in client ? Could you try connecting to the server with a recent version of Chromium/Chrome and see if it works any differently ? Did you try shutting down espresso flow, just in case it's keeping multitouch events for itself ?
Thank you for your nice compliment - just shows what an amazingly versatile platform you have built, to house rather unanticipated use cases ;).
Test results:
- Current Chrome (On M1 Mac with Monterey), WITH Espresso - no joy
- Current Chrome (On M1 Mac with Monterey), WITHOUT Espresso - no joy
- Builtin O-S-C Browser (On M1 Mac with Monterey), WITH Espresso - no joy
- Builtin O-S-C Browser (On M1 Mac with Monterey), WITHOUT Espresso - no joy
- Interestingly - Using an older iPad Pro 10.5 inch with iPadOS 16.x, with Safari - Multi-touch works!
- Interestingly - Using an older iPad Pro 10.5 inch with iPadOS 16.x, with Chrome - Multi-touch works!
BUT - unfortunately, neither of the iPad Browsers seems to accept/show the WebRTC underneath, instead I see a spinning grey gradient circle, indicating loading of media... so any tips appreciated :).
I might next try to use it on Windows 11 with the Espresso touch screen and see what the results are...
Hi again,
I was able to get it to work on PC - with the espresso display and the WebRTC feed (though only on Chrome, and only after clicking through the gaps between the buttons onto the "interaction play" button to start the WebRTC... funny :). but working!
Looks like getting multitouch (as opposed to gestures) to work on Mac is complicated (OSC/PILOT for Mac - #47 by MUGSHOT - OSC/PILOT General Discussion - OSC/PILOT - long thread, but bottom line it seems they gave up on adding multitouch on mac)