Toggle strange behaviour

Hello! First topic here, many thanks for this great tool!

If for some reason I need to set a toggle ‘on’ and ‘off’ to the same value, the toggle stays always on.
Is this a bug ?

Same behavior with a push button. Even if I set both on and off to ‘null’.

This case is currently not supported, but it could be implemented in the future.

Ok, thank you.
I 'm trying to make a sooperlooper gui. For a feature like ‘record’, I need to send to /sl/#/hit the command record, same for on and off. I can’t put the command in preArgs, it doesn’t work.
By the way, is this possible to turn on/off a toggle by an OSC{} or a JS?

By the way, is this possible to turn on/off a toggle by an OSC{} or a JS?

Widgets react to the same message they sent (same address & preArgs). If the value property depends on others values (@{} / OSC{}), it'll update automatically. A script widget can also be used to set another widget's value.

I need to send to /sl/#/hit the command record ,

Then it's not a toggle you need, it's a push widget with

  • norelease: true
  • on: record

Making a full-featured gui for sooperlooper with proper feedback support is possible but requires to write a custom module. Here is a project that partially implements that (along with many unrelated things) : If you're comfortable with javascript you might get some insights here, unfortunately I don't have the time to unravel this for you.

Push button do the trick of course but toggle allows to see if it’s on or off.

I’m not confortable at all with JS but I’m gonna take a look… I realize making this that there is some work to do, out of my knowledge, but it makes me learn anyway :smile:

HS: Jeter un oeil au code de Plagiat Brothers et tomber sur des titres de Calogero : fait. :thinking: :laughing:

Push button do the trick of course but toggle allows to see if it’s on or off.

I'd use another widget (led for instance) to monitor sooperlooper's state.

I've been tinkering with the possibility of having on and off to the same value and concluded it wouldn't comply with the app's logic since it usually relies on value comparison to determine whether or not a widget's state has changed. However, using a script or a custom module it is possible to force the on and off messages to be the same.

I have tried with a JS, simply with return, but it’s not enough. How can you do this, if in fine both values should be the same ?
+1 for the led, I was thinking about doing this.

You need an extra widget to do that, you should be able to make it by adapting this example : Two or more osc address on a toggle button

Big thank’s to you @jean-emmanuel !
Both solutions are working. A push with a led, or a toggle with a script widget. Led or toggle are updated by an OSC{}.
Thank you for your time.