Running multiple Open Stage Control instances

As I need multiple client and I struggle with client id in properties. Would it be a good idea to run multiple instances of Open Stage Control (4 or 8), each one with a different OSC input and output port, so I can adress and receive each instance separately?

It's possible but would probably be a waste of resources, what problems do you have with client id exactly ?

Sorry for the time to respond but we had a residency to try in real conditions Open Stage Control with players on four iPhones.
Finaly I used four Open Stage Control servers because it was the easiest solution to manage different information on each one.
The next step would be to allow each player to use the phone camera to make a selfieā€¦ I found a way to build it in a web server (html + css + js). I fear it would be quite difficult to integrate it inside Open Stage Control but, instead, I would find a way to have a button opening another webpage from Open Stage Control.
Do you know if its possible to do it and how to do it?
Thak you in advance,

You can use the scripting function openUrl. You may also manage to integrate it with a frame widget (with value set to your web server's url).

thank you, I will try