Range fader question

Hi everyone!
I was wondering, is it possible to set the range of a fader using a range slider?
Using the two heads to set the minimum and maximum value.

I've been trying to figure this one on my own but I just wasn't able to figure this one out.


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You could set the range property of the slider as follows:


var range = @{range_widget_id} 
return {
  min: range[0],
  max: range[1]

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hi @jean-emmanuel

Let say i want to get the range widget steps ?

getProp ? Hum seems not...

fader_range.json (3.3 KB)

@greenman getProp() is only available in script, and it expects a string as first argument. The correct syntax would be @{range_1.steps}

un peu poisson rouge ce midi... Advanced syntaxes - Open Stage Control

fader_range.json (3.4 KB)

You are the best!!!
Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Quick follow-up question.
Say I have two (or more) faders with different ranges, could I control them with a single master fader but use the ranges as the full range of the master fader?

Currently, I'm doing this with LinkID and it results in the other faders moving only when I reach the correct range. (say one fader range starts at 50, it will not start moving until I reach 50 in my master fader).
I'm trying to have the "master" go from 0-127 but have the other faders move relevant to the fader in their own ranges.

I hope I made myself clear. If not I can always upload a sample project.


The faders won't figure out what to do when they receive a value outside of their range, I guess you could instead of using a linkId, use the master fader's script to update the other faders' values, and inject some logic at this point to decide what to do with each fader.