Problems with 1.9.3


1.9.2 - can't reproduce at this stage....

Please provide more information (session file, custom module, step by by step procedure to reproduce the issue).

Ok, here's the session. Just a quick heads up. I'm just experimenting around, made a note for me in the session using a text widget. Probably what caused the issue. No issue with 1.9.2, only error messages but can still load it. 1.9.3 won't load it.

test.json (5.9 KB)

P.S. I think this may have been the cause of my dropdown widget issue in the other thread. Not sure. Either way, this session was giving me some issues. I imagine I need to comment out that text widget or escape those characters etc...not really sure. Hope you have enough info now :slight_smile:

Ok the issue comes from an empty OSC{} block, I'll fix it soon, it's not related to the issue you mention.

Thanks for the fix.

Just out of interest, is there a way I can escape/comment the text box so I don't get those errors? Prepending // to each line didn't help...

Writing anything inside the OSC{} will do.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant these console errors



Adding a space before the opening bracket should be enough to dodge the parser.