Possible to call OSC from HTML?

Hello there :slight_smile:
I have built a search page that looks like this, where the content is just an html widget

Is it possible to add in this html OSC calls like in a normal widget?
Or should I redevelop all using the widgets instead?


Html don't expose their events currently, it could be something worth adding though.

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Thanks Jean!
is it something you could think to do in a next release or should I refactor all with widgets instead of waiting?

one reason why to use html instead of widgets is performance, here I am creating an HTML page dynamically for each search and this can be really a long one, creating a widget for each of the action means thousands of widgets, while the HTML solution allows me to have a long page with less resources used, however would be great to trigger an OSC action from there too :slight_smile:


Yes, it's now possible in v1.13.2, but using the canvas widget instead of the html widget because it already had the required api and because the html widget itself is kind of a legacy feature now.

Now you can add extra html in the canvas widget and determine which element is touched (in the touch property) using the element's name attribute. Here's a minimal example:
canvas_html.json (2.4 KB)

It may be just a step towards providing a more consistent way to create custom controls (and maybe unifying the canvas/html/svg/scripting implementation), but I'm not quite there yet.

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