Custom controls and scripts


First of all thanks a lot for developing this very versatile/enabling tool!
I am using it to do an OSC robot controller as it is very convenient in the development stage to quickly change my user interface. But now I would like to do something a bit specific, and I am not sure if it is possible.

I would like to use a widget to draw a polygon that I can interact with (plot widget?), such that by touching the plot I can deform that polygon. The angle between the lines of the polygon will then be sent as OSC parameters to an arduino to control some motors (arduino side is figured out, communicating with OSC).
Does that sound possible? How would you dig into this? I am guessing I have to write a script in Javascript? Can I then import libraries that are not already in the software?

I would like to use a widget to draw a polygon that I can interact with (plot widget?), such that by touching the plot I can deform that polygon.

Currently there's no way in O-S-C to build that.

ok, thanks for your reply! I will try another approach for that then. I am guessing scripts can only use the O-S-C built-in libraries then right?

Client side scripts have a very limited scope yes. Server-side scripts (custom modules) can use any nodejs library but can only comminucate with the client app via osc messages.

Ok! Thanks a lot for the info!