OSC remote control on an iPad

I’m trying to build my template and have it eventually work on my iPad.
Safari works pretty well for this but the problem is, I can still drag my finger across the screen and have the whole screen scrolls all around.

It does jump back when I let go, but I was wondering if there’s an option to have the Parent or at least the tab a certain size so it will be stationary (much like Lemur or touch OSC)?


Unfortunately I’ve found no reliable way to disable this most annoying feature called overscroll.

Thank you for the answer.

Does this happen just when using OSC on a browser?
Or does this happen in every touchscreen configuration?

Trying to think of different ways to control OSC using a touchscreen.

As far as I know it only happens on iOS mobile devices. I had managed to prevent that on some versions but not all. Out of curiosity what’s your iPad’s version ?

It’s the latest one. I usually keep it up to date.
I was considering using something like Luna Display so I could use the iPad as a second display with touch capabilities but I don’t love the idea of my mouse cursor jumping to another screen each time I push a button…

No plans for making an iOS/iPadOS app anytime soon?

I don’t love the idea of my mouse cursor jumping to another screen each time I push a button

If configured properly the system should be able to separate the screen and the mouse.

No plans for making an iOS/iPadOS app anytime soon?

No, that's not gonna happen.

Are you talking about the operating system (macOS) or OSC?

Thanks for your help!!

I’m referring to the OS yes :).

I don’t have any overscroll if no content is outside of the main screen.
Even if it is a tiny bit outside of the screen, it will do overscroll. Then if you avoid it, you won’t have overscroll.
That doesn’t stop you using smaller windows inside of the main one that has content bigger than the frame of the panel, and will do scroll, quite nicely (as long this is intentional). Simply is better to avoid more than one element doing scroll in the same point of the screen or will not know what scroll has priority.
There is a scroll locking in the panel, that works. But it’s not available in the root or with tabs. I hope we are talking about the same thing.
In any case would be nice to have a way to control the scroll in all parts besides panels (root, tabs etc) as that would avoid devices with different aspect ratio doing scroll when something is a bit outside.