Open Stage Control not reciving OSC from ma3?

So i have a x touch compact that is connected to open stage and then sends OSC to ma3 in which is a input for ma3. I have that working BUT i want feedback for when i move things in ma3 to happen on my x touch compact. I havent been able to get that to work. Any tips is greatly appriciated as ive been struggling for this issue for 2 months with no fix. Here is the source in which i found the plugin for feedback and manual ive been following. The LUA script is the plugin been ran in ma3 and i think its sending info on osc 2 (output) to open stage control and then thats suppost to be outputted to my x touch but that doesent happen at all.

Honestly it's hard to help you without actually using any of the involved softwares/hardwares besides open stage control. The only thing I can see is that your osc config in MA3 doesn't precisely match the options in the screenshot. I'm afraid a proper help will only come from pam-osc's author or from someone who manages to make it work.

Yea im using 2 different ports because some other application is using 9003 and 9004. Unfortuantly i have contacted the pam-osc author but no reponse. I might contact someone who uses ma3 for help but thanks for trying.

It's not only the port numbers that are different, some of the other columns don't match. And if I understand pam-osc's docs correctly, in your case open stage control's osc-port should be 9009, not 9007 (it says "Must be number 2" regarding port 9004 in MA, so I guess things got a bit mixed up in your setup).

As I told you in another thread, you don't need to set port and osc-port, either set port and leave osc-port empty (it will automatically take the same value), or leave port empty and only set osc-port. In any case, the port corresponding to 9003 in pam-osc is completely irrelevant on open-stage-control's config.

A quick look at the custom module indicates that port 9003 (as used by MA3 to receive information from open stage control) and the ip address (of the MA3 I guess) are hard coded (see pam-osc/pam-OSC-Module.js at main · xxpasixx/pam-osc · GitHub), you must edit those lines if you're not using the same port/address.

The midi config is probably wrong too, you must make sure the numbers after xTouch: correspond to the correct ports in the midi device list.

Hey together,
Pasi here, author of pam-osc.
Thanks for the clarification with the Ports. I will update this witht the Documentation in the V2 i am currently working on.
@joshua1996 did you managed to get it running ?

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