Introducing LAS, the Logic Articulation Switcher

Introducing LAS, the Logic Articulation Switcher. LAS is a lightweight articulation switcher solution with bi-directional feedback for Logic Pro using free and open-source software that runs in a browser on any device. I hope you find it useful! :slightly_smiling_face:

Please watch LAS Demo for more info. View the project on github.

2/7/24 v1.2 released

  • Added support for multiple art types (controller, program, aftertouch, pitch bend, note off)
  • Added support for Per Channel Strip MIDI Channels in art sets
  • Added library code option to build pic URL from art set name
  • Added sendosc universal binary
  • Added support for large art sets (≤ 50 arts)
  • Optimized Logic queries and processing
  • Fixed bug when right panels open in Main Window

Shout out to @pieca and @LowweeK75 for their inspiration and patience.


Awesome thank you so much for your time, intelligence, energy and for making this available for free. That's incredibly generous and you should definitely post a donation link somewhere.

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Wow, incredible. Thank you so much for sharing this. It's not only really generous to share this for free, but I also love your approach of developing this using AppleScript.
As a not Logic user, I hope everyone else knows how to appreciate this. There's lots of knowledge and time involved ...

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This is awesome! Thank you for all the work!

I already use @pieca & @LowweeK75 approach and wanted to test this!

It does not work with Intel even after installing GitHub - yoggy/sendosc: sendosc is a simple command-line tool for sending OSC packet. for macos and replacing sendoscPath in LAS.scpt with /usr/local/Cellar/sendosc/1.0.3/bin/sendosc

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I checked and sendosc is located in /usr/local/Cellar/sendosc/1.0.3/bin/sendosc: LAS.scpt is giving me a syntax error: "Expected variable name or property but found “/”."

Also sendosc in LAS Folder ist still telling me that I have bad CPU type.

Maybe you can help me!

Have a nice weekend!

Make sure you have a trailing space after sendosc and before the closing " in the path. Like this:

global sendoscPath
set sendoscPath to "/usr/local/Cellar/sendosc/1.0.3/bin/sendosc " #<-- Set path to sendosc if needed. Trailing space is required!

If you have the correct path above, LAS.scpt won't use sendosc in the LAS/Apps folder.

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Thank you!

didn`t have the spacing " #<-- Set
…and after:

open Terminal and type chmod +x and drag Start LAS into the Terminal window and press Return

it all works now!



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Strange! it worked for a moment and now it says: Articulation Set not found in folder…


Make sure the loaded articulation set is somewhere in the /Users/USERNAME/Music/Audio Music Apps/Articulation Settings folder (or sub-folder).

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They are in the articulation set folder... it just stopped working.
I will try the whole procedure again when I'm infront of the pc.
Maybe I have to remove the control surface in Logic or I did wrong something else.

Thank you for answering!

Hello! Update!

I think my problem was to have more articulations available in the Kontakt instrument than patched / assigned in the art set. When I load a "complete" ArtSet, corresponding to all Arts in the Kontakt instrument it works.

I am on Monterey with Logic 10.7.9 by the way…

Cool work! Thank you again!

There's no control surface that comes with LAS.

Glad you got it working. :slightly_smiling_face:

I know but for the Art Switcher by @LowweeK75 and @pieca.

Thought it may be a problem to have it; But it's not!


2/7/24 v1.2 released

  • Added support for multiple art types (controller, program, aftertouch, pitch bend, note off)
  • Added support for Per Channel Strip MIDI Channels in art sets
  • Added library code option to build pic URL from art set name
  • Added sendosc universal binary
  • Added support for large art sets (≤ 50 arts)
  • Optimized Logic queries and processing
  • Fixed bug when right panels open in Main Window
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@eakwarren wanted to thank you again for LAS!

I modified / merged the LAS.json with my DAWcontrol.json and wanted to share and contribute to it if you allow it to make some people's life easier. Feel free to be honest and tell me if it is okay. If not I will take it down!

If you want to use the DAWcontrol.json you have to:

1.: Add: Logic:virtual OSC:0,0 DAW:1,1 - in midi to the LAS OSC Server.config

2.: Add an IAC Driver in Audio MIDI Setup and create 2 Ports - for ease of use name the 1st: OSC, the 2nd: DAW. Logic:virtual is from the ArtSwitcher by @LowweeK75 and @pieca and since I started to configure the controler before LAS, I left it there because some MIDI CCs are using that midi and it works - don't know how, cause I am no pro in such things. Feel free to reconfigure as you wish!

3.: Follow @eakwarren instructions for LAS. After that, rename DAWcontrol.json to LAS.json and move it into the Documents/LAS folder. (rename the original LAS to LAS_orig.json or something similar)

4.: Open Logic and assign MIDI commands to the corresponding parameters of the DAW control.

LAS is located in two Panel Tabs: Arti Switch and DAW Control. In the Main CCs Panel CCs no.3 there are no faders and assignments…
There may be some minor errors in configuration but when assigned right in Logic and by following the LAS instructions it all works great as an allround DAW controller.

If you get lags to the server over wifi, connect your iPad with a cable to your mac, System Preferences turn on the Internet sharing and check your iPad.

For autostart add @eakwarren Start LAS Terminal command to your users Login items in System Preferences. Set Open Stage Control Launcher to autostart.

DAWcontrol.json (317.5 KB)

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Wow! That's a lot of functionality @montesumolo :grinning: Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks! Happy you like it!

Some buttons are still on toggle but should be on tap and maybe some midi CCs on same functions buttons must be corrected, because they are sending not the midi cc of their copy in "Tracks" (a lot of copy paste ;)…

I tried to link the "CLOSE ALL Plug-Ins" button to the Instrument, MIDI FX and Plugi-Ins buttons to have the corresponding toggle mode right when tapping the "CLOSE ALL Plug-Ins" button; but since I can not script and after an 1 hour try with AI, I gave up. I would set them to tap mode :smiley:

it's a work in progress. I will share an updated, more final version soon.

Hi, sorry to ask, but does anyone know why I get "incompatible articulation set". I've tried different conf. on the LAS scrip but still get that message.

This is how I have my art sets on Logic.

Hi @oert

That message means LAS ran into an error parsing the articulation set file. I'd need more info to troubleshoot. Please send me the articulation .plist file and I'll look into it. It's in Macintosh HD/Users/<YOUR_USER>/Music/Audio Music Apps/Articulation Settings/


Hi, sure, here it is. SST VlsVlaCelli.plist - Google Drive
