Hi there,
Total newbie on OSC here. I’ve been installing and running the server. So far, so good.
Now I wonder howcto set Logic Pro X to take benefit of OSC.
I found resources on Bitwig, Cubase but nothing on Logic.
Any help welcome
Ok, I had to leave my OSC project for a few months.
Now I'm back on it with very little progress.
I'm using LPX which, as I understand, is incredibly poor at remote controlling.
My main use case : select a track and see articulations and select them.
I'm trying OSCulator and I manage to get track name from Logic to O-S-C.
I'm also having a button retrieve the mute status. It works well from LPX > O-S-C, not the opposite (clicking the button does nothing in LPX).
I've set a switch grid to send articulations to LPX ; this works.
However, if I click notes in LPX then an articulation, it is not changed, but I guess it's not possible to edit articulations in Logic without using that stupid dropdown in editor.
Ok, so, use case : I want my script to analyse the track name and display the articulation if the set is relevant.
I've set a variable in visible field of the switch @{visSCSarts}.
On my text field displaying track name, I've tried to script the visibility by changing the variable. No way.
So, eventually, my question is : do you have documentation and examples of codes like this ?
(set variable, read variable, address variables, etc.)
I've been reading the doc but meh, I'm someone who learns from examples.
Hi @LowweeK75 - did you have any luck with getting your OSC template to switch Logic articulations? Do you have your template shared anywhere? I'd love to take a peek!
Yes I managed to do it but it’s quite a mess since it requires :
Logic + articulation sets for each library I want to control
… and a special Scripter scripts for libraries with too many/complex keyswitching (VSL)
… and a middleware acting as a surface control to send messages to OSC. I was happy with OSCulator but it’s not M1/latest Logic compatible so I’m using TouchOSC
2 dedicated virtual midi ports
OSC where I coded big articulations array, so quite a lot of coding
Keyboard Maestro to send back articulation selection to Logic. I could have gone with simple messages sent to Logic for articulations switching but I also wanted to do articulations editing (i.e. select notes and change their articulation). There’s no other way to do it than emulating a keyboard strike sequence.
So it’s a big and fragile thing but when it works, it fors wonders and saves me quite a lot of time.
That’s awesome. Well done! I can’t figure out why the Logic devs made using articulation sets so difficult to control with a remote device - this is like the PRIMARY use case for them!
I would LOVE more details on your solution, if you’re willing to share! I invested in the Babylon Waves articulation sets that cover most of my libraries. I’m not using any VSL libs with complex keyswitching - phew!
P.S. excuse the delay replying - got sucked into other projects!
Also I’m still on Intel Mac so maybe I could get away with using OSCulator? Although not quite sure what piece of the puzzle that solves in your uber-controller!
Hi, if you're still on Intel then OSCulator makes your life simpler : it translates Logic's commands and track selection to OSC message directly without the need of running a 3rd party software (in my case TouchOSC and its configuration).
I'm planning to make a video documenting all my setup but everytime I'm ready to do it, I find an annoying bug in my setup.