Hi there, i've read a lot on this forum and i discovered so many things (Open Stage Control is dope !!) but i'm still struggling a lot for some things.
The first one is how to use the XY pad, i've tried so many things but nothing works for now...
I want to use it for a bitwig controler and i have to send /device/param/1/value for X and /device/param/2/value for Y and i can't figure out to do it...
When i use /device/param/1/value with a simple knob, it's updated if i modify the parameter with my DAW or another controler but when i use
send('/device/param/1/value', value[0])
send('/device/param/2/value', value[1])
The XY pad is not updated when the paramaters are modified somewhere else.
I tried
received('/device/param/1/value', value[0])
received('/device/param/2/value', value[1])