Git handling of sessions

Hi here,
I use a lot the ardour-control session for a street theater show. I've made some customization that is very specific for this show, working with custom lua scripts in Ardour (actual / next locations, progress in a range...).
But at each update of the ardour-control session, i need to redo my customization, git can't merge the files. Is it a know way to merge modifications on the OSC sessions ?
Maybe it's more a git usage question, but i think it can be a good feature to know for collective use of OSC.

Thank's a lot for all tip !

Is it a know way to merge modifications on the OSC sessions ?

Unfortunately no, the only thing I can think of would be to write less explicit session files (ie omit properties that don't differ from the defaults) but that wouldn't be safe (defaults are subject to changes), so maybe as an option, but even then there's no guarantee that merging would always be easier... I'm not sure really, but I'll write down the idea just in case.

I think on a big session that ardour-control, the json tree will change, so i doubt that remove some properties change the git behavior.
I try to redo my modifications, but it's another thread (incoming !).
Thank you for your suggestions anyway, i'm here if you have another idea !