I am seeing strange behaviour, which might be a bug. However so far it has only happened on this specific session (file attached).
- In launcher I have set up session file to load automatically on server start.
- osc send ip address and port are defined separately under “Define Variables” (modal) with input widgets. For ip address I have also 3 buttons with predifined values which sets ip address in input widget. default ip address is set to
- 1st camera control port is defined with input module which is then incremented in matrix, depending which camera is selected.
Problem 1: If I run session on laptop, everything works just fine, however if I connect to server with iPad while same session is opened on laptop, then on iPad i get different send address then on laptop - (AERO Laptop), while on laptop it’s still default At this point I haven’t pressed any buttons on either laptop or iPad
Problem 2: When I select any of the Cameras on laptop, Camera control port on iPad is calculated as 0 or some other random value, while on laptop is as expected: Camera 1: 6002; Camera 2: 6003 etc. However if I then go and press camera button on iPad, then Camera control port is calculated 0 on both - laptop and iPad.
If I start server and imediately close session window on laptop, then connect to server from iPad, everything works just fine.
Basically only 1 client can be connected at the time, otherwise it breaks down.
For me it’s fine to use only 1 client device. As a workaround it works. But I am quite curious why it breaks down if multiple clients are connected.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Camera Control v4.json (143.7 KB)