Can't send midi signal to OSC in Cubase

Hi I recently found out about OSC and I'm using it
but there is a problem that the input signal from Cubase doesn't go to OSC.

I can see the Midi signal through Midi OX but OSC doesn't work

What I want is that if I change the track, the volume value of the changed track will be applied.

I found some similar problem I have on the internet but there is no solution to this situation :frowning:

Also, if I make only one port in Loopmidi and connect it to midi In/Out, it doesn't work properly.
I don't know what's wrong with this either.

This link is a video about these problems I have

I'll wait for the good news from you

Have a nice day.

To make sure the message are received by OSC, enable the server's debug option, it will print all received/sent messages in console.

Also, if I make only one port in Loopmidi and connect it to midi In/Out, it doesn't work properly.
I don't know what's wrong with this either.

I think LoopMidi routes the input to the ouput of its virtual port, that's why people use two virtual ports (one for each way).