Any way to "write" expression map information to a note on Cubase?

Hi there! This is not really an OSC question, I know that, but I also know that people on OSC community is very talented, so here's what I was trying to do:

I was trying to develop an OSC interface that allow people to change articulation freely, sounds very easy right? But I wanted to use the expression map to change articulaion instead of keyswitch(expression map can be more straight-forward than keyswitch). So then I tried to use midi note(just like keyswitch method) to change the expression map, but this is completely meaningless, because changing expression map articulation with midi note(like C-1 D-1), can only chang "preview" articultaion, means, it'll make everynote you play to apply to a single articulation(the one you switched to using C-1), instead of setting the articulation of the note you selected into the articulation you want.

So I really want to find out, if there's a way(python java script/cubase remote control/vst plugin/use C++ to somehow connect to Cubase expression map) to select a note, press a button, then the note information will have the expression map articulation on it(just like using a mouse to manually select the articulation)

I actually used a stupid but effective method before, that is to use autohotkey script to make the cursor to select the articulations(with image recognizing technique), so OSC can send midi message out, then midikey2key will recieve it and run the corresponding autohotkey script, then the script will first look for the "Articulation" text on screen(so I had to take a screenshot to that text so the autohotkey can then use that screenshot to recognize the text on current page)

then autohotkey script will click it, use arrow keys to navigate and select the specified articulation.

Although this method works perfectly, it's not user-install-friendly at all.... users of my OSC program will have to install extra programs like midikey2key and autohotkey, and they need to manually set those things up too, so it's not really a perfect solutioin.

Would you be able to post a video of this in action ?