Word wrap button labels

Is there a way to wrap labels onto multiple lines on a button label?

I have a set of buttons that populates articulation descriptions using a custom module depending on which cubase track is selected. This all works fine.

The problem comes when the articulation is a very long string.

Currently the button keeps all the string on the same line so you can’t read the full articulation. I don’t want to resize the buttons as it’s quite a big array of them so would like to force the button to wrap the text if it needs to. Is this possible?

Yes, you need to add this to the css field:

label {
  white-space: normal;
  word-break: break-all;

Or directly to the root’s css to affect all buttons:

.button-container label {
  white-space: normal;
  word-break: break-all;

I’ll add a wrap property to this widget.

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Thanks very much!

I've just come back to this one as I now need to wrap the text on a switch and the above methods don't appear to work - is there a way to wrap the labels on a set of switches?...

You can use the browser's inspector (f12) to find out what html elements are used to build the widget. In this case, no <label> element, but <value> elements.

Another related question on this - thanks for the update previously adding the wrap property. Currently (unless I've missed something) I cannot force the wrap to happen between words.

I'm looking for the opposite of word-wrap:break-word;

My css is currently:
label { color: #2dcf7a; word-wrap: normal; justify-content: flex-end; font-size: 150%; padding-left : 50px }

If I add
white-space: pre-wrap
I lose the padding-left behaviour.

word-break: normal

Resolved it:

I've put the following in the container that holds all the buttons, and removed all the CSS each button.
label { color: #2dcf7a; justify-content: flex-end; font-size: 150%; padding-left : 050px; white-space: pre-wrap; }

But crucially it only works if I make sure that the wrap text check box in the button properties is unchecked.

Did you try the solution above with wrap to true ?

Just tried it - thanks that also works - obviously need to set the wrap condition to true in each button

how do i get spacing to be bigger between lines?
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