Widget expand... layout... scroll


Trying to have some buttons behaving like folders and subfolders :

I thought, using expand / layout / scroll, that it would be possible to keep each button's height unchanged, and to access the panel's scrollbar when to many buttons would be visible.

But i don't get it.

Is it possible ?

Try setting the container's contain property to false.

Ok, that's perfect, thank you.

Isn't it possible with a matrix too ?

I tried with one matrix properties:

  • expand : false
  • layout : vertical
  • contain : false
  • scroll : true

But it doesn't work. What am i missing there ?

Thank you

Setting the children's width or height in the props property should work.
scrollable_matrix.json (2.2 KB)

Thank you.

Strange... i looked at your json... re-opened my session... and realised that i had already set height, and that it was working...

Maybe something went wrong when i first was trying to do the stuff, and that closing/reopening my session fixed the bug...