(Solved) CSS for a matrix child

Hello !

I don't understand why i don't have the folder picture, when the first button of this matrix is off...

Heres a part of my matrix props :

props.label= $ !== 0 ? Lab_Basses[$] : false
props.visible = $ !== 0 ? @{Basses_0} == 1 ? 1 : 0 : true
props.height = 60
props.expand = false
props.padding = 'off'
props.colorStroke = 'off'
props.html = $ === 0 ? '<h1>Basses</h1>' : ''
props.css = $ === 0 ? @{Basses_0} === 0 || undefined ? 
'class: Dossier_fermé;h1{background:rgba(178,44,44,.4);margin-left:60px;height:60px;line-height:60px;}' : 
'class: Dossier_ouvert;h1{background:rgba(178,44,44,.6);margin-left:60px;height:60px;line-height:60px;}' : 

And the matrix's css :

 --scrollbar-size: 30rem;
.Dossier_fermé { background: no-repeat 15px 16px / 15% url(Images/Cubase_Divers/Répertoire_fermé.png); }
.Dossier_ouvert { background: no-repeat 15px 16px / 15% url(Images/Cubase_Divers/Répertoire_ouvert.png); }

Image files are ok... so... don't understand what's wrong here...


Classes in the Root works better...