Hi there! After trying fruitlessly for an hour trying to get this to work, thought I would try here, hope someone can help. I have a really simple bit of code that I just cannot for the life of me get to work!
var Col1 = "#ff0025" //Red
var Col2 = '#0099ff' //Blue
var CardCol = 1
var ColNum = "Col" + CardCol.toString()
setVar('KK' + MasterSlot + 'Macro'+parameter1, 'Col', 'Col'.CardCol)
I cannot get 'Col'.CardCol (or ColNum even!) to return the actual variable Col1 (ie "#ff0025") to set the widget's colour dynamically, it just returns 'Col1' in the console!
Apologies this is a basic query (have been googling Javascript forums but cannot find a suitable solution!) Any help greatly appreciated as always!