Hi again! Sorry to bother to all once more, but I am having a bit of trouble with syntax again! I am trying to create a bit of (semi!) efficient code to capture preset names and store these in a panel's variables (number 1 to x). To save from having to repeat the same script over I wanted to do something like this:
setVar('PresetNameText', 'Lbl', '@{ChControlPanel.variables.1}')
but instead of referencing a variable named '1' like this '@{ChControlPanel.variables.1}', I would like instead to have a variable named 'FXSlot' (declared earlier in the script) to make this line of code dynamic, ie '@{ChControlPanel.variables.FXslot}'.
If I try the above method the whole variable comes back 'undefined' (even if I have declared 'FXslot' to be '1'). Is this possible with different syntax, or (more likely!) is there a better way to dynamically reference the panel variables?
Once again, any help really appreciated!