Receive and OSC not working in INIT function


at startup i need to populate an array of strings via



labels = OSC{xxx,'',true}

(in a matrix prop of buttons)

updating that works fine, but when doing this in the init function it does not work.

how can i update the labels (and another widget) in the INIT function ?

receive ('/EDIT','ID',{"label" : ["222","333"]})

did not work (no preargs).


found it: it does work with normal osc listners in the init function, but you have to call it in:

app.on('sessionOpened',(data,client) => {

Init is called when the server starts and this happens before any client gets connected, hence the absence of result. It’s become useless with the addition of the app events, I’ll probably add a deprecation message someday to dissuade users from using it.