If I open a session full of widgets, I want the widgets to ask the osc server for their current values when it first starts up. This requires sending out an osc message that is slightly different than the widget's osc command. for example:
widget osc message: /the/thing 100
widget initial value request: /get/the/thing
When the server receives /get/the/thing
it sends out /the/thing <current value>
I know I could setup a custom script that sends all the appropriate /get
messages, but then I have to keep track of all the widgets and chages inside that script. Is there a trick to get each widget to send out its own /get
message, at session start, based on a standard change to it's own osc address?
I suppose you could try something like this in your custom module:
var initialRequest = false
app.on('sessionOpened', (data, client)=>{
initialRequest = true
// force all widgets to send their messages
// yes, maybe there should be a /STATE/SEND
receive('/STATE/STORE', {clientId: client.id})
receive('/STATE/RECALL', {clientId: client.id})
// wait a bit and remove flag
initialRequest = false
}, 250)
module.exports = {
oscOutFilter: (data)=>{
if (initialRequest) {
data.address = '/get' + data.address
return data
Just an FYI. This method works for a single client, but had problems with multiple clients in my use case. I found a JSON-RPC message for Guitarix (method: "get_parameter", params: []
) that gets the server to respond with all current parameter values (among other info), so I'm using it now in my application. This obviously won't apply to most other use cases, and this method worked well for a single client for me, so just some information if you're trying to apply this to your case.