I'm using OSC on OS X with "Autostart" and "Start minimised" : everything is working fine.
Just got a minimal complain :
When starting minimised, I can see the OSC window minimised in my dock
Would it be possible to add an option as "Start Hided" instead of minimised, that way there will be no minimised OSC window in the dock and it will be cleaner visually ?
Do you think this should be the default behavior when starting minimized under OS X ? Or are these two options usually available in other apps ? I'm not familiar with this OS so I don't know what's the most "native" way here.
I'm not an expert of anything, but from my experience, "start hided" should be better. The whole purpose is to start the application to be able to run it in background and forget it.
If you are not familiar with OS X this is the Dock with OSC Minimised :
When Minimised you will see Open Stage Control window minimised on the left of your Dock which isn't the case when Hided
This is only a cosmetic diference
For example my sound card driver (from RME) is loaded on startup and it is definitively "loaded hided". It is running in background and I never have to look at it except once or twice a year, there is no purpose to have an hided window icon in the dock for that.
I'm only using open stage control as a server for my iPad, I don't need to have access to it's window.
Maybe I have to look at headless mode as an alternative, but this seems complicated to me...