New discovery (alternative way to label buttons)

(so proud of myself)

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Haha :laughing:
Proud of you too, Theodor :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for sharing!
I especially love " Ä " and " ° " :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I'll put a link here for others:
List of characters for Webdings - HEHEHE!

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Really? Color fonts?


Can you confirm that these fonts are working using your browser or tablet?
Not showing up here :sob: Only in the application.

In the browser, in Chrome:
→ Version 90.0.4430.72 (Official Build) (x86_64) (on my MacBook Pro, Mojave);
→ Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (32-bit) (on my Kiano tablet, Windows 10);

On my tablet there's a different cat, but still in color.