MIDI note-off message at a higher off-velocity than 0

According to this, a MIDI note-off message is not always a note-on at 0 velocity.

Ex.1 (referenced link)

Even though it is recognized as a note-off message (in Cubase/Generic Remote), the O-S-C button (at 0 velocity), won't trigger the command that the respective entry is set to (won't solo a certain track).

Ex. 2 (Cubase PRO / Generic Remote → recognition proof)

I believe that in order to trigger a Generic Remote command, a note-off message must be higher than 0.

Ex. 3 (midi track configured to trigger a Generic Remote command)

In example 3, the "vOUT 1.01" track will deactivate its solo state only if the off-velocity is set to 1 (or higher).

Is O-S-C capable of generating a note-off message that has a velocity higher than 0?
Thank you.

It not possible at the moment, I'll add a way to send note off with velocity, but I don't think I'll change the way note off is received (as note on with velocity 0)

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It's in sources now, to be released someday soon.

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