Is there a way of getting args not to reformat data as JSON?

I would just like to access the raw output of args (or what is before it), not the reformatted version.

I'm sending JSON out of QLab and it's not understanding it, and making it unusable.

Open Stage Control console shows this when I log it.

  address: '/json',
  args: [
    { type: 's', value: '(\n' },
    { type: 's', value: '{\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'armed' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: '1;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'colorName' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: 'none;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'flagged' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: '0;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'listName' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: '⍂;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'name' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: '⍂;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'number' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: '5;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'type' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: 'Network;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: 'uniqueID' },
    { type: 's', value: '=' },
    { type: 's', value: '⍂;\n' },
    { type: 's', value: '}\n)' }
  host: '',
  port: 51763

O-S-C doesn't reformat incoming arguments, this just shows that qlab somehow splits your string in multiple parts before sending it. Also it doesn't look like valid JSON at all.

Sorry I should have mentioned args inside of oscInFilter

        var {address, args, host, port} = data

        if (address === '/json') {



        return {address, args, host, port}


The manual says

args: value or {type: "OSC_TYPE_LETTER", value: VALUE} object (objects that don't match this format will simply be turned to a JSON string).

I assumed it was the case, each item in data.args represents one argument in the message (the arguments value is not modified), the above statement is still valid.