Formatting question

Love the new editor!

Funny thing though - it doesn't like my syntax here. This code seems to work, but how am I supposed to format it?

send("midi:looper", "/control", @{parent.variables.varCh}, @{parent.variables.LoopClip1}, 127)

set("Looper@{parent.variables.n}LoopALength", 100)
set("Looper@{parent.variables.n}Controlsaction_rowplay_columnPlayOn", 1023)

It broke when I added "" quotes! :confused:

See the warning at the begning of the scripting documentation.

ah, thanks... still struggling. Is it 'get' then for these?

This doesn't seem to work:

send("midi:looper", "/control", get("parent.variables.varCh"), get("parent.variables.LoopClip1"), 127)

get() returns a widget's value, to get property you'd use getProp():

getProp("parent", "variables").varCh

Awesome, thanks man! :pray: