Identifying messages from multiple users

Hello :wave: ,
This has probably been asked before, sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
On a single client with multiple users, is there a way to know which user is interacting with a widget?

My use-case would be for setting up the same interface for several musicians, and I need to separate each OSC message from each user. So every musician has their own unique instrument/sound but same interface for all.

So far, my solution would be using this method to hide tab visibility depending on the user and copy/paste the same interface with different widget IDs, which sounds like repetitive work.

Any leads, hints or help?

You could use a widget (switch or dropdown) to let users select their profile and use advanced syntaxes in the control widgets to change the osc properties accordingly, for example in a fader's address:


if (@{profile_switch} == 'jack') {
  return '/monitor/1'
} else if (@{profile_switch} == 'john') {
  return '/monitor/2'


Setting the switch's bypass to true will prevent the profile value from being shared between the clients.

There is also the possibility of disabling cross-client entirely with the client option clientSync to handle all routing manually using a custom module but that's a rather complicated use case I don't have time to demonstrate right now.