How Do I make a Push Button Unselect a Toggle Button

Hi, I have some toggle buttons that will turn solo on and solo off my instrument tracks. When I click it inside OSC it gets highlighted and activates Solo On, if I click it again it stops being highlighted and activates Solo off in my track. I have another Push button that makes all the tracks go to Solo Off and it does the Job inside the DAW but inside OSC they remain Highlighted, as if they were still Solo On. Is there a way to make the Push button also affect the Toggle button into Solo OFF?

Usually it's the DAW that would send this information to OSC to disable the button, but you can also disable them using the push widget's script property, with something like

set('solo_button_*', 0, {send:false}) // 0 = button's "off" value

This assumes the solo buttons all have the same id prefix. if not you'll have to write a set() statement for each id. The {send:false} part tells OSC to update the widget's value without sending osc messages.



it gives you something like that
on-off-several-buttons-styles.json (6.9 KB)

I've learned from this post too :slight_smile: (CSS host:before Icon disappears on Toggle status - #4 by jean-emmanuel)


note that fa-piano-keyboard is not available in fontawesome free version

Hello ,
thank you for giving your example.
I will be able to remove an M4L from Ableton which I used to turn off all the tracks at once and remove the MIDI assignments as well.


Thank you!