From one button, one fader, one variable widget... to only one button

Hi !


So, when i press the button, fader starts to go up and down (ok, and kinda morphing itself...), and stops after 5 minutes... I've made this tiny little things... you know... breath in for 5sec / breath out for 5s...

A few time ago, i wouldn't have been able to do this, so it's cool for me... :slight_smile:

But i need / want to learn more...

I'm actually trying to go from :

  • one variable widget
  • one fader
  • one button

To only one button...

How to re-introduce the variable widget into the button's script ?

I've been trying to use locals variables... but i'm stuck, so any advice, any clue would be highly appreciated !

Well... here's the file :
cohérence.json (10.5 KB)

Here's the button's script :

var fad = 'fader_9'

if (value == 1 && get(fad) != 500)

  locals.Up=setInterval(function(){set(fad, get(fad)+1)},10)

else if (value == 1 &&  get(fad) == 500)

  locals.Down=setInterval(()=>{set(fad, get(fad)-1)},10)

else if (value === 0) 

Here's the fader's one :

// REACTIVE LE BOUTON, Stoppe le process et RTZ, attribue texte.

var bouton = 'button_9'
var compteur = 'variable_compteur_4'
var FADER = get('this')

// RE-TOGGLE BUTTON............................................................................

if((FADER === 0 || FADER == 500) && (get(compteur) !==0 && get(compteur) < 66))   // Relance le script du bouton pour redescendre et remonter ...

// END PROCESS..................................................................................

if(FADER === 0 && get(compteur) == 66 )  // Remise Ă  0 de variable_compteur_4 en fin de process

// TEXT HTML.....................................................................................

if(locals.valeurprecedente !== undefined)                              // Si la valeur précédente est connue...
  if(locals.valeurprecedente > value) {setVar(bouton,'text','Expire')}         // ... et qu'elle est supérieure à l'actuelle (donc que le fader redescend), écrit "Expire"
  else if(locals.valeurprecedente < value) {setVar(bouton,'text','Inspire')}   // ... mais si elle est inférieure à l'actuelle (donc que le fader remonte), écrit "Inspire"

locals.valeurprecedente = value                                       // Mise Ă  jour de la valeur. La variable vaut donc la valeur du fader...

And the variable's widget value is set to :



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Well... finally, i found out how to do, step by step, and :slight_smile: It seems to work fine... except that i don't know why this frog is shaking so much (must be the gif settings)...


I may have some little things to tweak (emergency-stop-frog-button, find out how to have the button centered before it's pressed, and some other things... Send midi notes too, to play beautiful ostinatos... sending midi cc to automate pan... and so on and so on...).

Please let me know if some things are too weird in my code, and would need to be changed... As many of us, i'm learning all this on my own, helped a lot by from jean-emmanuel, so...

@jean-emmanuel : i just have one question about this one...

  • at the end of the code, just before "closing" the two setInterval functions, i had to set the button to 0, in order to make the loop goes on. If i don't do this, it stops. Why ?

Here's the code, and the json
Zen_Frog.json (6.9 KB)

if (locals.fader === undefined) locals.fader = 0;
if (locals.compteur === undefined) locals.compteur = 0;

if(locals.compteur < 30) /* Fixe la limite du compteur Ă  30... Tant qu'on est en-dessous, on va boucler...*/
  locals.monte = setInterval(function()  /* on déclare une locale-boucle "monte" */
    setVar('this','fad',locals.fader);                 /* alimente la variable "fad" utilisée dans les propriétés, DOIT RESTER DANS LA BOUCLE */
    setVar('this','text','Breath in...')
    if( locals.fader >=0 && locals.fader <500 )        /* Pour une valeur de la locale fader strictement inférieure à 500... */
        locals.fader+=1                                /* incrémente de 1 la locale fader */
    else if(locals.fader==500)                         /* quand elle arrive Ă  500... */
        clearInterval(locals.monte);                   /* réinitialise la locale "monte" */
        locals.descend = setInterval(function()        /* initialise la locale-boucle "descend" */
            setVar('this','fad',locals.fader);         /* alimente la variable "fad", utilisée dans las propriétés DOIT RESTER DANS LA BOUCLE */
            setVar('this','text','Breath out...')
              locals.fader-=1                          /* décrémente de 1 la locale fader */
            else if(locals.fader===0)                  /* quand elle revient Ă  0... */
              clearInterval(locals.descend);           /* réinitialise la locale "descend" */
              locals.compteur +=1;                     /* incrémente la locale "compteur" */
              set('this',0)                            /* remet le bouton Ă  0 */
            },10);                                     /* Timing de la cboucle "descend" */
  },10);                                                /* Timing de la boucle "monte" */

else {set('this',0); locals.compteur = 0;}             /* Si le compteur est Ă  30, remet celui-ci ainsi que le bouton Ă  0 */

Froggy yours :upside_down_face:

​ ​


Honestly it's not easy to follow the logic here, but I'm glad you find your way through this.

One important thing that you missed is that setInterval doesn't work in o-s-c exactly like in vanilla javascript, it's automatically cleared when called again (to prevent unwanted duplication) and an indentifier can be passed as first argument if one needs to have simultaneous timeouts / intervals.

i don't know why this frog is shaking so much

Animating top/left/width/height usually performs poorly, using css transforms instead should be better.

Here is a much simpler implementation:
frog.json (3.1 KB)

Honestly it's not easy to follow the logic here, but I'm glad you find your way through this

Well, thank you :smiley: it's just a brain-killer logic ! As i don't know anything about javascript (would it be vanilla or chocolate or whatever you want !), i often feel like Champollion when he first went to Egypt... since i'm working with o-s-c...

an indentifier can be passed as first argument if one needs to have simultaneous timeouts / intervals.

At first i thought "whaaaat ?"... but i believe i understand...

Thank you for the simplified json, i'll have a look at it right now !

Well... yesterday i was young, and now... i grew up...
I had a closer look on "animation" in CSS... so cool.

To have my frog animated for 5 minutes, i finaly made this, and it's perfect... :

<div class="bouge_la_grenouille"> </div>


var css=''

if(@{this} === 0) css =
' .bouge_la_grenouille {background: no-repeat center/100% url(Images/grenouille_zen.png); '
+ ' height: 100px; width: 100px; '
+ ' margin: 5px ; } '

if(@{this}==1) css =
' .bouge_la_grenouille {background: no-repeat center/100% url(Images/grenouille_zen.png); '
+ ' height: 100px; width: 100px; '
+ ' margin:5px ; '
+ ' animation: Cinq_minutes 5s 60 alternate;} '
+ ' @keyframes Cinq_minutes '
+ ' { 0% { transform: scale(.2,.2); }  100% { transform: scale(1,1); } } ' 

return css

This frog really taught me a lot of things ! :smiley:

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Haha yes using css animation is perfect ! To write multiline strings in javascript you can use backticks:

var s = `multiline

Yeah, good to know, thank you ! :+1:

I'm back again...

@jean-emmanuel, I've adapted, just a little, your json, to have both cycle and framelength ok with my frog, and added a timeout to reset the button after 5 minutes.

But now, i want her (it ?) to be an artist, not just a frog. I want her (it ?) to play the harp...
Well. For now, she (it ?) plays a note each time we change direction :

if (locals.curseur === undefined){
  locals.curseur = 0 
  locals.direction = 1 
  locals.cycle = 5000 
  locals.framelength = 25 
  setVar('this', 'text', 'Inspire')  


if (value) {
  // RAZ du bouton au bout de 5 minutes
   locals.curseur += locals.direction * locals.framelength / locals.cycle
  if (locals.direction == 1 && locals.curseur >= 1) { send('/note',1,59,0) ; send('/note',1,60,60) ; locals.direction = -1 ; setVar('this', 'text', 'Expire') }
  else if (locals.direction == -1 && locals.curseur <= 0) { send('/note',1,59,0) ; send('/note',1,48,60) ; locals.direction = 1 ; setVar('this', 'text', 'Inspire') }
  }, locals.framelength)

But i can't have any note sent beetween those values. I guess all have to be set inside the loop, so i tried ;

   locals.curseur += locals.direction * locals.framelength / locals.cycle

  if (locals.direction == 1 && locals.curseur == 0.5) { send('/note',1,52,60)}
  else if (locals.direction == 1 && locals.curseur >= 1) {send('/note',1,60,60) ; locals.direction = -1 ; setVar('this', 'text', 'Expire') }

  else if (locals.direction == -1 && locals.curseur <= 0) { send('/note',1,48,60) ; locals.direction = 1 ; setVar('this', 'text', 'Inspire') }
  }, locals.framelength)

But i don't have the intermediate note... how can i link note and locals.curseur value, then ?... I need my frog to play a beautiful pentatonic...

Btw, when i start / stop the button, i have this :

What does that mean ?

thank you